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Sea to Sky Legacy Fund

The legacy fund is a partnership between The Adventure Group and the BC Parks Foundation to ensure the parks within the Sea to Sky Region in particular stay beautiful, clean, and safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a mandatory surcharge?

This fee is not mandatory, but rather an optional add-on that can be added onto any Vallea Lumina bookings. By contributing you are helping to enhance and preserve Sea to Sky parks long into the future.

What types of projects and organizations does the Sea to Sky Legacy fund support?

The Sea to sky Legacy fund supports projects based in stewardship, accessibility, experience, and safety.  This fund supports qualified non-profit organizations and First Nations in the Sea to Sky region. Specific projects and organizations are chosen annually.

What parks does the Sea to Sky Legacy Fund cover?

The Sea to Sky Legacy Fund covers the parks from Horseshoe Bay up through Pemberton BC. It includes parks within Whistler, Squamish, and the Howe Sound area.

Can you tell me more about the BC Parks Foundation?

The BC Parks Foundation, an independent charitable organization, was founded in 2017 and since then they have protected 28 beautiful places covering over 35,000 hectares of Land.  Their goal is to inspire British Columbians and guests to discover, experience, and care for nature.

How do I learn or donate more?

You can learn more and donate more, including services, your times, and monetary donations by visiting bcparksfoundation.ca/seatosky